Mark S. Weiner

The Final Days of Law’s Picture Books

In Books and libraries on November 13, 2017 at 6:03 pm

“Law’s Picture Books” has been hailed as “fascinating” by The New Yorker, “eye-opening” by the Wall Street Journal, and “courageous” by the Frankfurter Allgemeine, and now it’s been praised as exceptional by The New Criterion—and it’s still on display at the Grolier Club until November 18!

If you can’t make it, my co-curator and I have just completed our digital gallery tour of the exhibit on the blog Concurring Opinions. Here are links to all the stops along the way:

  1. Our introduction
  2. Symbolizing the Law
  3. Depicting the Law
  4. Diagramming the Law
  5. Measuring the Law
  6. Staging the Law
  7. Inflicting the Law
  8. Arguing the Law
  9. Teaching the Law
  10. Laughing—and Crying—at the Law
  11. Beautifying the Law

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