Mark S. Weiner

Posts Tagged ‘emergency medical services’

EMS for Democracy

In EMS on September 17, 2019 at 7:26 am

My article EMS for Democracy: The Case of Människan Bakom Uniformen appeared today as the cover story in the fall issue of the UK-based, European-wide magazine Ambulance Today (see the link at page nine). The article is the first in a series that will consider emergency medical services, especially the work of ambulance personnel, from the perspective of democratic social and political theory.


Update 1/29/20: for the next article in this series, see the latest issue of Ambulance TodayThis article considers the significance of EMS volunteerism, and is accompanied by four interviews with EMS practitioners in Sweden, Austria, Israel and the United States.


Update 2/20/20: I recently gave a talk about EMS and social theory at a conference on mutual aid sponsored by the journal Telos. The talk can be found here.